
News from the coordinator

Published on
March 3, 2015

Like previous years, at the beginning of 2015 there were several epizootic disease outbreaks we needed to work on or pay attention to. Very important again were outbreaks of avian influenza and an on-going spread of Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea virus in European countries including Germany, The Netherlands, Belgium and France.

Avian influenza

This time H5N8, a variant already reported to be causing outbreaks in Korea and Japan in 2014. In the beginning of this year there were several outbreaks in poultry in countries in North West Europe including Germany, The Netherlands and United Kingdom. Using more advanced genomic characterization methods EPIZONE partner institutes were able to demonstrate that the recent outbreaks concerned separate introductions in poultry farm most likely coming from water bird wildlife. So this may well be an extended research challenge for EPIZONE. Last week a new H5N8 outbreak in poultry was reported from Hungary, so preparedness among EPIZONE partner institutes is of utmost importance.

Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea virus

Secondly we have an ongoing spread of Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea virus in European countries including Germany, The Netherlands, Belgium and France. This askes for enhanced surveillance and optimization and implementation of PEDV diagnostic methods. EPIZONE partner institutes are shifting gears and work together to get the required research in place. Such collaboration is very important to get the disease under control, so there I encourage partner institutes to show the strength of our network.

Horizon 2020 program          

On the EU level and in particular the Horizon 2020 program, the EPIZONE management has been involved in several meetings in which topics for the H2020 2016 work programme were discussed.  We have participated in a meeting about Avian Influenza at EFSA in Parma in January and a workshop on Biosecurity organised by DG Agri in February in Brussels. In this way we try to contribute to the contents of the new H2020 work programmes and we will also try to involve EPIZONE partners in potential proposals as much as possible. EPIZONE also continues to contribute to the research agenda of ERANETs such as ANIWAH and FACCE.