WAVLD 2015
17th International Symposium of the WAVLD (World Association of Veterinary Laboratory) presented by the Canadian Animal Health Laboratorian's Network is being held in Saskatoon Saskatchewan.
- Symposium sessions & international meetings
- Poster session & trade show
- Network with colleagues & enjoy some fabulous Saskatoon hospitality
- Diagnostics to Control & Manage Endemic Disease
- New & Emerging Disease: Detection, Management, & Control
- Transforming Lab Data Into Intelligence
- Technologies for Detecting & Managing Hazards
- Wildlife Disease & One Health
- World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) one day meeting on diagnostics
- Canadian Scientific Meetings:
- Canadian Animal Health Surveillance Network
- Canadian Association of Veterinary Pathologists
- Canadian Animal Health Laboratorians Network
Information & updates will be posted on the WAVLD website.