The 8th Annual Meeting EPIZONE will be organised by the National Veterinary Institute at DTU Technical University of Denmark (DTU Vet).
Scientific committees
Local Scientific Committee, Denmark
- Anette Bøtner, Deputy Head of Section for Virology, DTU Vet (Head of Organizing Committee)
- Graham Belsham, Professor in Section of Virology, DTU Vet (Head of Scientific Committee)
- Anette Boklund, Researcher in Section of Epidemiology, DTU Vet
- Thomas Bruun Rasmussen, Senior researcher in Section of Virology, DTU Vet
- Peter M. H. Heegaard, Professor in Section of Immunology and Vaccinology, DTU Vet
- Niels Jørgen Olesen, Professor in Section of Virology, DTU Vet
- Ulrik Fahnøe, PhD student in Section of Virology, DTU Vet (Young EPIZONE)
International Scientific Committee
- Professor Wim van der Poel, CVI, coordinator EPIZONE, Central Veterinary Institute, Netherlands
- Dr Stephan Zientara, ANSES, Agence nationale de sécurité sanitaire de l'alimentation, del'environnement et du travail, France
- Dr Linda Dixon, PI, Pirbright Institute, UK
- Dr Martin Beer, FLI, Friedrich-Loeffler-Institut, Germany
- Dr Jean-Francois Valarcher, SVA, Statens veterinärmedicinska anstalt, Sweden
- Dr Jose-Manuel Sanchez-Vizcaino, UCM, Universidad Complutense Madrid, Spain
- Professor Stuart Reid, RVC, Royal Veterinary College, UK
- Dr Frank Koenen, CODA-CERVA, Belgium
Organising committee
- Anette Bøtner, Deputy Head of Section for Virology (Head of Organising Committee)
- Graham Belsham, Professor in Section of Virology (Head of Scientific Committee)
- Anette Boklund, Researcher in Section of Epidemiology
- Thomas Bruun Rasmussen, Senior researcher in Section of Virology
- Peter M. H. Heegaard, Professor in Section of Immunology and Vaccinology
- Niels Jørgen Olesen, Professor in Section of Virology
- Ulrik Fahnøe, PhD student in Section of Virology
- Tina Valdimarsson, Executive secretary
- Henrik Engell-Hedager, Research Coordinator
- Mette Buck Jensen, Communications Manager
- Maria Gerner-Rasmussen, Executive Secretary