Are you a young scientist and interested to meet and interact with other young scientists from all over Europe, then the Young EPIZONE meeting will be interesting for you.

Young EPIZONE event Tuesday evening September 24th

Interpool is one of Uppsala’s most popular sports bars and has a varied selection of games.

The event will include food and drinks, and perhaps some games during the evening.

Interpool, Svartbäcksgatan 11, 753 20 Uppsala

Please, register online for this evening event via this link.

Schedule Wednesday September 25th

  • 9.00-9.05

Welcome and introduction.

  • 9.05-10.05

“Academic productivity: From efficiency to effectiveness” by Åsa Burman

Asa Burman
Åsa Burman is the founder of Finish On Time concept and author of the book The Doctoral Student Handbook: Master Effectiveness, Reduce Stress and Finish on Time. She is Reader (Docent) in practical philosophy at Stockholm University. In early 2023, her book Nonideal Social Ontology: The Power View was published by Oxford University Press.
  • 10.05-10.25

Coffee break.

  • 10.25-11.10

Speed dating, get to know each other and share joys and challenges of being a PhD student or young researcher.

  • 11.10-11.45

"Science communication during an infodemic" By Emma Frans

Emma Frans

Emma Frans is an epidemiologist, researcher at the Karolinska Institute and a science writer for Svenska Dagbladet. In social media, she has managed to build a substantial platform by effectively and humorously conveying critical thinking and a scientific approach. She is also a frequent guest on television and radio. Emma is the author of five popular science books and has been awarded numerous prizes and honors, including the Grand Journalist Prize for her pedagogical ability to convey research and science and the King's Medal of the 8th size by the Order of the Seraphim ribbon.

  • 11.45-13.00

Presentations from the original Young Epizone, by Robert Vrancken

Presentations from the original Young Epizone by Robert Vrancken PhD, Program Director at ViroVet, YE 2008-2011; Eefke Weesendorp, PhD, Head of department Bacterial surveillance and response, RIVM, YE 2008-2011 and Matthijn de Boer, PhD, Program Director at WBVR, YE 2008-2011. This year is the 16-year anniversary of the first meeting within Young Epizone. The first meeting was in 2008 Italy (Brescia). The founders of Young Epizone will present where their careers have taken them and what the Young Epizone network has meant to them.

More information

The Young EPIZONE meeting will be organized and hosted by:

Keep an eye on the website for more information about the programme.